Monday, 27 May 2019

Oriental Honey Buzzard

Scientific Name - Pernis ptilorhynchus
Weather - Sunny day
Habitat - Trees
Place - Dumna Nature Reserve, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh, India).
Status - Resident

Commonly found Raptor species in Jabalpur City. It has a variety of morphs and plumage, I've personally seen 7-8 morphs and plumage of this raptor. It has an notable pigeon-like head (with long neck and a small head).
As their name suggests, they feed on honey, its combs and bees as well, apart from small rodents and reptiles. Sometimes they are seen within the city, in search of food and nesting place.

Monday, 29 April 2019

Indian Grey Hornbill (Dhanesh Pakshi)

Scientific Name - Ocyceros birostris
Weather - Sunny day
Habitat - Trees
Place - South Civil Lines, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh, India).
Status - Resident

Commonly found species in Jabalpur City. Beautiful bird with long bill, usually seen in pair and sometimes in flocks. Their flock size can increase upto 20-30 in numbers. They are mainly frugivorous but occasionally feed on insects and reptiles.

Plant more trees if you want to see this beautiful bird around you!

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Rosy Starling

Scientific Name - Pastor roseus
Status - Winter Migrant
Weather - Cold and Sunny
Habitat - Open Fields, Trees, Farms etc.
Place - Robertson Lake, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh, India)

During winter season, one can see this bird in a large flock, making different shapes and movements during flight (aka Murmuration). It is from the same family as Myna. Very often they are seen with other Starling/Myna Species such as Asian Pied Starling, Indian Myna, Brahminy Starling, Jungle Myna and Bank Myna foraging in open fields and farms.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Long-legged Buzzard

Scientific Name - Buteo rufinus
Status - Winter Migrant
Weather - Cold and Sunny
Habitat - Open Fields, Trees, etc.
Place - Nunsar, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh, India)

Quite an uncommon and a large raptor to be seen in Jabalpur and its outskirt. It usually look for small rodent and lizards in farm lands and open fields. It's an excellent hunter and also agile in stealing prey from other raptors!

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Jungle Babbler (Saat Bhai)

Scientific Name - Turdoides striata
Status - Resident
Weather - Sunny
Habitat - Open Fields, Grasslands, Trees, etc.
Place - Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh, India)

Jungle Babbler ('Saat Bhai' in Hindi) is a Resident to Jabalpur. As the local name suggests, it stays in a group of 7 birds (sometimes 1-2 more/less). It usually makes a chattering noise in a group also while gliding from a place to other and forage in group. It can be usually seen in open forests patches, bushes and trees.

Monday, 16 July 2018

Common Cuckoo (Eurasian Cuckoo)

Scientific Name - Cuculus canorus
Status - Monsoon Migrant
Weather - Cloudy
Habitat - Open Fields, Grasslands, Trees, etc.
Place - Dumna, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh, India).

Common Cuckoo (aka Eurasian Cuckoo) is a Monsoon Migrant to Jabalpur. It makes the typical "cuckoo-call". Also, in-flight this bird has a distinct body structure and excellent agility. They can be usually seen in open forests patches and trees.

Monday, 26 February 2018

Red Avadavat

Scientific Name - Amandava amandava
Status - Resident
Weather - All Weather.
Habitat - Open Fields, Grasslands
Place - Gokulpur Tank, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh, India).

Red Avadavat (aka Red Munia) is beautiful bird and a resident species of Jabalpur. Usually found foraging in flock of 10-20 birds. Due to their small size, they are quite difficult to spot in an open ground when foraging. During breeding season, one can see them in pair(s).