Scientific Name - Pernis ptilorhynchus
Weather - Sunny day
Habitat - Trees
Place - Dumna Nature Reserve, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh, India).
Status - Resident
Commonly found Raptor species in Jabalpur City. It has a variety of morphs and plumage, I've personally seen 7-8 morphs and plumage of this raptor. It has an notable pigeon-like head (with long neck and a small head).
As their name suggests, they feed on honey, its combs and bees as well, apart from small rodents and reptiles. Sometimes they are seen within the city, in search of food and nesting place.
Commonly found Raptor species in Jabalpur City. It has a variety of morphs and plumage, I've personally seen 7-8 morphs and plumage of this raptor. It has an notable pigeon-like head (with long neck and a small head).
As their name suggests, they feed on honey, its combs and bees as well, apart from small rodents and reptiles. Sometimes they are seen within the city, in search of food and nesting place.